Breast Fat Transfer

Conveniently located to serve San Jose, CA

Advanced techniques are used to harvest fat and transfer it into the breast.

For years, patients have asked if we could take the fat out of one place in their body and put it in another. Currently, breast enlargement by the autologous fat transfer technique employs the latest technologic advances in fat harvesting.

Breast augmentation may be performed in a variety of ways today. Perhaps, one of the most unique and natural ways to perform breast augmentation is through the use of one’s own fat (?).

Autologous fat transfer can now provide women the option of enlarging their breasts using their own fat without the use of synthetic implants.

The injection of the fat results in a permanent 100cc to 200cc overall breast size increase. This would allow for a half to 1 cup size increase. The end result is larger breasts that are very natural in appearance and feel without the risk of implants. Unlike implants, this procedure will not interfere with future mammograms. This procedure offers women the option of enlarging their breast with their own fat using safe proven techniques that are virtually pain free and with less than 48 hours off from work.


  • To augment breast volume, improve breast shape and cleavage
  • To conceal visible wrinkling of breast implants
  • To improve retracted breast scars after breast surgery for cancer

Before and After Pictures


All pictures are of actual patients of our practice who have provided consent to display online. Viewers should understand that results do vary and not all individuals achieve the results depicted here. The following pages contain some nude images. By clinking on “View Images” below, you are acknowledging that you are over this legal age of 18 and are consenting to view these images.

Jensesis LipoPlasty & Laser provides treatments to patients throughout San Jose, San Francisco, Bay Area and out of town.

*Individual results may vary.

Breast Fat TransferBreast Fat TransferBreast Fat Transfer


Q. What is the procedure like?

A. Fat transfer to the breast involves two distinct procedures: harvesting and injecting. . First, micro manual harvesting method or PAL MicroAire is utilized to gently harvest the fat. The fat cells are acquired through one of several types of liposuction: laser liposuction, ultrasound-assisted liposuction. Once harvested through a syringe, the cells are processed for transplantation. This involves removing anesthetics, lipids and medical fluids from the fat. The goal is to obtain healthy fat cells devoid of other tissue, which increases the likelihood of successful cell transfer and reduces the chances of injecting unwanted substances with the fat. The healthier and purer the injected material, the greater the yield of viable fat cells. After processing, the fat cells are carefully injected, drop by drop in dozens of small injections, into the space between the skin and the breast capsule surrounding the breast and/or behind the breast between the breast and chest wall. However, because these injection sites are limited in size, fat grafting to the breast can produce only modest augmentation.

Q. What is the benefit from fat transfer to the breast?

A. There is no risk of rejection or allergic reaction, since the fat cells come from your own body. The procedure also allows the surgeon to have more latitude when it comes to shaping the breasts than saline or silicone implants do. There are no incisions; however, there are multiple small openings from the liposuction and injection procedures.

Q. What is the downside of fat transfer to the breast?

A. The transplanted fat cells often do not survive long term. They may be absorbed by the body, liquefy, form a cyst, calcify or produce scarring within the breast tissues. If this happens, you likely will lose some volume and may develop some lumps. Fat grafting also provides limited volume (less than a cup size) as compared to traditional implants

Q. What is the end result?

A. The result is enlarged breasts that are very natural in appearance and feel, without the complications associated with implants. Unlike traditional implants, this procedure will not interfere with future Mammograms or breastfeeding. The technique does not require general anesthesia, typically requires only 48 hour recovery period and leaves permanent results.

Q Who is the ideal candidate?

A: Women who desire a permanent increase in breast size that is natural in appearance. The Natural Breast Augmentation is ideal for the person who has lost fullness in her breast due to age, weight fluctuations, and breast feeding. A 1-2 cup size increase and more fullness are expected from this procedure. However a person who would not be happy with anything less than a 2-3 cup size increase should consider Breast Implants.

  • Women that have had several pregnancies
  • Women that have had children at an older age
  • Women that have lost a significant amount of weight
  • Women over 50 with aged breasts
Q I heard calcifications caused by the surgery can interfere with mammograms?

A: Studies have proven that newer digital mammograms can easily evaluate calcifications in the breast whereas the alternative enhancement procedure, Breast Implants, block more than half of the breast from the view of mammograms. Calcifications caused by the surgery can interfere with mammograms

Truth: Studies have proven that newer digital mammograms can easily evaluate calcifications in the breast whereas the alternative procedures, breast implants, can block more than ½ of the breast from the view of mammograms. The jury is still out on whether fat grafts can obscure readings on breast X-rays or mammograms or be mistaken for early breast cancer. As it stands, all women, whether they have large breasts, small breasts or breasts with implants, require mammography to effectively evaluate their breast tissue, and the techniques used depend on individual factors. In truth, all breast augmentation surgeries pose potential problems for cancer detection. If you have implants, it’s important to let the technician know so that he or she can use the proper technique for imaging augmented breasts. You should also tell the technician if you have had fat grafting to your breasts.

“Fat grafting to the breast is no longer experimental, but we still have lots to learn about how to make the procedure safe and efficient.